I want to make a new forum based on jokes and stories written by members...since I am starting it, I would like it to seem like there is already a lot of traffic running on it, to attrack members.
Here are the specs I would like to have in the bot:
1. It should auto-register users that I would write the profile in a list, myself. The user would register at the date and hour I specify.
2. It should auto-post at the time and date I specify, in a new thread, in the forum (on my site) that I want, using a message from the queue list I would pre-make. Note that each users (bots) would have a different queue list.
3. It should uses a random proxy from a list that I would update myself, to not delog other users (bots) surfing and posting on my board.
4. It should auto-check proxies to see if its valid before posting. If it isn't, delete the proxy from the list and try with another one.
5. It should also have an ability to only surf the board randomly, in random forums and threads. I would specify an aproximattion of how many bots I want to have on the board surfing, and they would just do it. I should be able to specify the aproximation for every hours of the day.
6. It should be multi-threaded. I want to be able to have more than 1 bot surfing and posting at the same time.
7. It should also be able to surf as "Guest". I also want to be able to choose an aproximation of how many "Guests" I want to have surfing on my board, per specific hour of the days.
Just email me if you could do it
Thanks a lot in advance!