i get a database error when i try to edit someones usergroup that as been banned by the system, also can it be made so when a warning runs out that puts them back under the banning total there auto unbanned?
the error i get is below btw:
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET birthday='1983-03-24',options='15',usergroupid='2',username='~*~Vick y_Bob~*~',email='psychadelicwildchild@hotmail.com' ,styleid='1',parentemail='',coppauser=0,homepage=' http://',icq='',aim='',yahoo='',signature='[movel]
:angel: See my halo,bright \'n\' shiney,mess wiv me, \'n\' I\'ll kick you\'re hiney :bum:[/movel]
:bum:\"We are the Cheeky Girls-Touch My Bum\":bum:
Bah! As if you\'d wanna touch their asses! 
:wave: To Lil Miss No Pea\'s :augh:[sig=954]
:banana: Nev \'n\' Norma,Fab \'n\' groovy,The only narna\'s that can boogie!:banana:[/movel]',adminemail=1,showemail=0,invisible=0,usertitle=' <img src=\"images/smilies/pinkie.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"> Northern Nutter! <img src=\"images/smilies/pinkie.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">',customtitle=1,joindate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' 2003-05-15 05:32:23'),cookieuser=1,nosessionhash=1,daysprune= '-1',lastvisit=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 21:44:05'),lastactivity=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 22:22:48'),lastpost=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2003-11-11 20:41:05'),posts='4170',timezoneoffset='0',emailno tification=0,receivepm='1',emailonpm='0',ipaddress ='',pmpopup=IF(pmpopup=2 AND =1,pmpopup,'') WHERE userid=1997
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '=1,pmpopup,'') WHERE userid=1997' at line 1
mysql error number: 1064
Date: Tuesday 11th of November 2003 10:35:36 PM