Logician ,
Thank you for re-enforcing my point.
rishel, READ!
2- If you code your own script that does something another program is doing, and you coded it from the ground, you don't have to get anybody's permission to do that. Eg. if you code a vb hack from the ground that does what phpmyadmin is exactly doing, you don't need a permission, because you coded it from the ground. If it were otherwise, vbulletin itself would never be coded since there were other bb scripts around that use the same "concept".
FYI (logician), this was all coded from the ground by me. There are no other released timeslip scripts for vbulletin. Only mine. If you read back through this thread you'll notice nothing but positive replies (other than rishel's) from other users as this is all original and nothing like it has ever been released here.
Here's a quick rundown on the situation:
rishel claims that I have "ripped" the concepts (ideas) which are being used on a site that he/she visits.
To prove otherwise, I posted several different Timeslip Database scripts from other websites (including a script that I wrote about 2 years ago) which use the same concepts as the one she mentioned and have been around for years.
rishel doesn't seem to understand that all timeslip database scripts share many of the same features. Just like forum software.
Honestly, until today I had not even looked at the horsepower.com site which rishel claims that I "ripped". But after looking at it, its completely different than my own.
You can take a look at this post and you'll see for yourself that there are many different timeslip scripts which share the same or similar features:
So in short, rishel is very confused and is making false accusations.