Ok, here's my question...
PHP Code:
$date = $get["date"];
$date = date("Y")."-".substr($date,1,2)."-".substr($date,4,2)." ".substr($date,7,2).":".substr($date,10,2);
$date = date("[m/d|g:i a]",strtotime($date)+(($bbuserinfo['timezoneoffset']+5)*3600));
I have that code is a php file (doy) :nervous:
My time comes out wrong. What I mean is this...
I copy pasted this from one of my vb pages.
The time now is 01:24 PM.
When I posted on a chat box it said that it was 6:24 pm. Help me please.
EDIT: Nevermind, I barely found the problem. -__-;;; I just thought of algebra and I added +5 to MY timezoneoffset. I erased the +5 and fixed it. Sorry about this. Shows how new I am to PHP. =/