Hi TECK, just wanted to say thanks for the excellent hack. We've had this installed for a few months now, (it's actually the add on to vBhome Lite), and although Google has been hitting our site nicely, we have yet to make a real dent in the Google index.
Everything seems to be synching up just fine, but I still don't understand if the "Unknown Location" issue is a bug or just a consmetic annoyance.
1. If a spider is hitting a page from the archive, and the Who's Online shows the "Unknown Location," is that a problem in terms of getting our site into google?
2. What/where is the varible to change the table content background color, width, centering of the archive? (It shows up as orange 90% and left justified on our board.)
Here's the link to our archive:
Thanks for any help, and thanks for the work on putting this hack together! We really do appreciate it!