I've cleared some of these errors and am now left with
Warning: opendir(
http://www.peterska2.co.uk/forums/alice/aiml/): failed to open dir: not implemented in /home/www/peterka2/forums/alice/src/admin/botloaderfuncs.php on line 531
Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/www/peterka2/forums/alice/src/admin/botloaderfuncs.php on line 532
Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/www/peterka2/forums/alice/src/admin/botloaderfuncs.php on line 540
Can anybody at all help me? I've seen this in action before and it's something that really can be funny especially for those times when you are online and theres no-one else about (bit like this thread

I've seen people post the same problem in here then instead of saying what they did to fix it they just come back and said 'OK now problem fixed'
Someone has to know about this. Otherwise it's the delete button when I have my monthly clearout tonight.