This works great!
Except I run into a very terrible issue with the code I think....
Zzed, if you can help possibly, please do so. I am all set with your code, and used your recomendation from this post:
To use that line of code that will have [IMG] tags changed to [THUMB] tags. So I edited the functions.php perfectly fine, and everything works perfect.
The max estimated image size I can use for the forum dimensions is 540 x 405. Any image Higher than 540 will automatically resize to 540, no problems. But for things like signatures.... and small icons, I will always get a big thick black border around the small image.
I even made the setting in your code of border="3" set to "0". So what could be the problem?
Is it looking at any image w/ [IMG] tags around it and trying to do this little equation or what?
All I am asking is for a fix that takes away those borders even though border="0" is on... Please Help!