[QUOTE=pahbi]I fixed my problem, and it works fine now.
First I changed in index.php: (its the bit of code for this hack)
$allstyles=$DB_site->query("SELECT style.title, user.styleid, COUNT(*) AS count FROM user LEFT JOIN style USING (styleid) WHERE style.styleid IS NOT NULL AND style.userselect=1 GROUP BY user.styleid");
$allstyles=$DB_site->query("SELECT styleid,title FROM style ORDER BY title");
And then in the forumhome_dropdownbit template I changed the text to read:
<option value="$thisstyle[styleid]" $stylesel>$thisstyle[title]</option>
I don't get a users count anymore, but that really wasn't very important to me anyways. The most important thing is that it lists all of the styles available, and allows the person to choose one, and in that regard, this works perfect for me.
- Pahbi