Just installed and works great.
Seeing some people are having problem with the perl script. Here is my note.
1)Making sure your server support cgi-bin in the location you want.
I have:
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/html/forums/cgi-bin/
under my virtual host setting. It assigns the location of the cgi-bin alias as well as allowing script excuting under that directory.
2) Permissions
For cgi-bin I have 711 (I never use 755, don't like the idea of people going through my cgi-bin directory)
for the perl script I have 755.
There is no need to have 777. It is very dangerous to say the least. eg. Anyone on the server can put their own cgi script in your cgi-bin directory. Also if you have 777 for the script, anyone on the server can alter it's contents!
3)Line wrapping.
Perl does not like Windows line wrapping: \r\n.
Under Unix, the line wrapping is \n. So you either need to upload your script in text mod, or if you unzip the file on the server as I do. Fix the script using:
dos2unix spell.pl
(If you open the file under a consol, and discovered a M at the end of each line. You have windows line wrapping!, naturally you can manually remove it under the consol one by one)