Does Oak work with vB 3.0.0 Beta 7?
Reason I ask, is everytime I set it to vbulletin in the config file. I get this error
Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/gt358/public_html/gallery/include/getuser-vbulletin.php on line 15
If I change to IP type, it seems to work (just don't know how to admin it in IP mode and would like it to use the vb3 usernames).
/// Absolute web path to gallery files
$cfgGalleryDirWeb = '/gallery/';
/// Absolute web path to image dir
$cfgImageDirWeb = '/gallery/images/';
/// The local path to the image dir
$cfgImageDirLocal = '/var/www/html/gallery/images/';
/// Absolute web path to thumbnails dir
$cfgThumbDirWeb = '/gallery/thumbnails/';
/// The local path to the thumbnails dir
$cfgThumbDirLocal = '/var/www/html/gallery/thumbnails/';
/// The file-mode to set on the files after upload
$cfgImageFileMode = 0644;
/// Put the forums usernumbers for the OakGallery Admins here (comma separated).
/** Like this: '1,2,3,4' - NOT like this: '1, 2, 3' !!! */
$cfgAdminList = '1,2,3';
/// The local path to the forum dir
$cfgForumDir = '/home/gt358/public_html/forum/';
/// The local path to the vGallery dir
$cfgGalleryDir = '/home/gt358/public_html/gallery/';