Originally Posted by bitg
But there is no link. Where in the instructions does it mention the step to add the link?
The link will show up after you have run the install file. There is no manual changes that you need to make to any files in the admin folder of vbulletin.
The link in your admin panel shows up because of the queries that installer runs and adds.
If you ran the installer correctly you should find a link in your vbulletin admin panel under Vbulletin Options that shows the settings.
Either run the installer again or open the original file and look around line 35 where it says
### Start install db ###
Below that is a list of the queries that are added into your database to make this work.
Example :
maketextareacode("Query to run","query","INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,'40','Allow vB IMG code in notes?','padimgcode','0','','yesno','3')",5,80);
I hope this answers the question.