Originally Posted by N9ne
That's ok then.
As for the rating system, I think a % would be suitable, if not, scale it down to x / 10.
Again, ratings themselves will not be made public, not to the hackmaker nor to the general public of vB.org.
A Hack will either be approved or not approved. The Hackmaker will hear which
aspects of Hacking/coding could be improved (whether the hack is approved or not), but (s)he will never hear the exact rating / score.
Why not? People will always get into arguments when they see a score. There will always be people who disagree with a certain rating, then there will always be others going around saying "my hack is better than yours because I got an 8.1 and you got a 7.5!", then you will have people trying to appeal to a decision and get a second opinion and what not. When you only release YES/NO approved to the public, there is very little to make a fuss about. And that's what we want - we don't want to cause a ruckus for each hack, we want things organized, clear, and useful. A big heated discussion isn't useful, nor well-organized. A set of guidelines on where you can improve on, is.
That said, we will also provide an extensive 'document' with help, tips and guidelines on how to make hacks, along with Kier who is writing such a thing already (last I heard).
As stated in the announcement, we want to improve the
overall quality of all hacks released on vB.org, and we would most like to be doing that without causing a lot of fights/arguments among the crowds.