elemental damage is really one-sided, and not based on logic. its based more on how the admin set it up. you could very well have fire do more against water.
and this hack is pretty stable, go ahead and put it up. alot of ppl have individual issues, which are easily fixed more or less.
changable images based on amount of damage sounds interesting, but not worth coding. it doesnt sound that hard. it also doesnt seem true of most rpgs :-p (at least ff) chars always look the same health wise...
also, items do not have elemental attributes (although you can name them with elements, like i have) so no matter what it is, element wont affect it. same thing with status effects
also, if you are going to say 'i need my hack fixed' mind saying what is actually in need of fixing? what issues are you experiencing? sweet youve said that i think about 3 times, but what do you expect us to do with it?