Take a look if you have time - constructive criticism appreciated.
Board is vB 2.3.0 and has all kindsa stuff piled in there. Let's see if I can remember what -
vBHome Lite
Usenet gateway
OakGallery v2.0
and a few admin tools.
I'm also using EasyHost to give users with > 250 posts their own web space but the integration with vB is pretty rough. It works but since EasyHost is perl integrating the two hasn't been easy.
I'm integrating an equipment review system now (the site is geared toward bass players) - I just stood it up last night. I'm using ReviewCast which works slicker than an eel in a barrel of Astroglide but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get it to use a vB user database - but I don't really care. That's a long-term project. I think I may leave the review database open to attract users. I still have some work to do on ReviewCast since the guy who wrote the scripts speaks English as a second language and some functions are kinda confusing.
~30,000 posts not counting the Usenet feeds and things are shaping up.
Graphics are nothing fancy but I'm having a good time.
cheers - and thanks for looking