the thing with 2pac is he was poop till just before he died, he only started saying stuff that i personally found relevant in the way he put it across and on teh beats he put it across on 7 day theory, since then i picked up a fair bit of the older stuff and a few remixes, but meh, he was poop.
Luda i used to hate him to much but then realised he's what hip-hop was originally about, having fun, he raps about smoking weed and having sex, i can relate to that :nod: the song that got me to like him was Freaky Things, and i don't like all his stuff but enough to say he's decent.
As for Ghost that song was nice but he's done so much more, he varies so much and does alot of back to the roots of hip-hop tunes
i mean i can't listen to Eminem no more, DMX, 50 Cent, most artists for that matter lol.
As for love songs it's all good, it's just that he's a fool JaRule, he talks to much poop and wants to be every other rapper, just can't take him. Not everyone can be Ganstaz

but you gotta respect that and let them take you to other aspects of the art.