Hmm i agree with you on most but, Ludacris? Come onnnnnnnnn hes got no talent at all. Its people like Ludap**s and Jarule etc that ruin rap music by going all luvy duvy and making all these love songs. Ok fair enough some are good but they give the wrong image. If you listen to a jarule song you enjoy it sometimes, but its too luvy duvy, Pac however could make a luv song such as Unconditional Love and he still kept the Rap image in there if you get me. He kept the thug part of him going in the song. Pac will go down as a ledgend only because he spoke his mind and people related just like Marshall Mathers aka Eminem. But most rap fans wud have to admit they didnt own a majority of pac songs until he passed away, thats when he really became a icon. Ghost face killa is koo 2, like that song he did with mary j blidge (all that i got is you) thats got a good rhythm going.
Im done babblin now