Thank you Xenon and Mist for your replies.
nooppid, as I stated, I get an Email notice for all failed attempts. If the moderator/admin login succeeds there there is no need to take any action or send any notices.
blakkboy, I have not released this hack.
We have had a lot of break ins into our private forums via compromised passwords of our moderators. The discussions in our moderator forum were being broadcast to other boards. I have incorporated additional security layers on top of the existing VB security. I have made a hack that logs all access to the private forums, I made a hack that does an IP ban for my private forms, and I have made a trusted host list hack per moderator for additional authentication of every moderator in my forums. I have been locked out on several occasions because I was logged into my forums from an IP address that was not listed in the trusted host list. And in such a case I also disable access to the admin and the mod CP's aswell and I also disable a lot of the moderation functions when somsone is logged in from an "un-trusted" host.
nfortunately none of these hacks are published, and I have my personal reasons for my hesitation to publish them.