go to your admin panel
go to user profile fields
add new
Title: Custom Title
Description: Custom Title
Maximum Input: 30
Field Length: 25
Display Order: blank
Field required: no
Field hidden on Profile: no
Field Editable by the user: yes
then right click on [edit] where it says Custom Title
then properties
look for this link in there "http://youdomain.com/forum/admin/profilefield.php?action=edit&profilefieldid=5"
where i says profileid=5 thas the profile id
now go to your postbit
and look for this "$post[usertitle]"
next to it add "<br><em>$post[field5] </em>"
NOTE: if the profileid is a diff number make sure you change the $post[field5]
eg profileid is 10 change the "field5" to this "field10"
hope this helps you
P.S. if you dont want it to be italic take the "<em>" & "</em>" out...