Glan you guys like it,
MindTrix: accually I didn't see the request, I was just working on some java code for one of my other projects that needed custom time code, and thought he this might make a kewl hack for
I've got some variations and addons for this coming, soon, as well as video messenger chat system I'm playing around with .. but we'll save that for it's own thread later
gmarik: so far it's only the little things I can read in your mind
This hack took about 6 hours to make including the java from scratch... I origionally was trying to make it interactive with replacements, and vbhome. I may still add those as an addon.
Please let me know how the hack install is, as I was butching my forum as I made the install and hack at the same time, I'm trying to improve how I write my install.txt files etc as well