Originally Posted by shovel
Same thing with the hacks (code modifications) off of this very website. No one can enforce me from distributing hacks freely over my website. They aren't even physically OR legally copywritten with any country's Patent/Copyright Office. I could distribute them, it would make me look bad, but I could distribute them LEGALLY.
Just to address the issue of hacks and computer code:
If a person writes a piece of program, or code, or poetry, or story, or lyrics to a song, or music - the work created has copyright which belongs to the creator or author AUTOMATICALLY. This is a common law right.
Registration of this copyright gives protection under LEGISLATION (which offers greater protection) - however, even without registration copyright exists under common law.
Please read up on intellectual property laws before making untrue statements like that. If you distribute the copyright works of another person without the author's express or implied permission, you are then breaching copyright and can be sued for damages.