I've read several posts about integrating a full classifieds script with VB, but I thought this might be a nice compromise and a little easier to hack.
Basically this hack would add some new input fields when a new thread is started in certain forums. In addition to the "subject" and "message" fields I'd also like to add fields like "state", "city", "price", etc.
- The new values would be required and be displayed as the first few lines of text in the message body.
- The value from the "state" field would also be shown in front of the subject line (ie: NY - Cool stuff for sale) so people can easily see if the item is in their area just by looking at the message index.
- There would need to be a way to select which forums would get these new fields. (Probably in Modify Forums-->Edit section of Admin section)
I haven't owned VB long enough to know if this is a hard hack or not, but it seemed a lot simpler than trying to create a full classified system from scratch or other script.
Thanks for any input!