is some interesting points aired here and its true what is said about the licensing system - i really wonder how many others think the same way.If i buy a car and do a robbery with it does that mean i cant have that same make of car again ?
Also one thing that does me head in - is people associating warezs with child pornography - WHY
ive been on net a few years now and sort of know where to go but in all me time on net i have seen warezs from all points of views - BUT not once and i mean NOT ONCE have i ever come across chil pron so maybe the people who associate it with warezs maybe they the sort to know where to look for it.
Sidenote - I DONT WANT CHILD PRON but be realistic and stop associating it with warez they are 2 different things so all you doing is trying scare tactics on people.
People mention Piracy and then the thread is bombared with child pron posts - Get a life.Next u be telling us all that peodaphiles run warez sites to encourage young uns to download stuff and get private info off them.
What next ?