Originally Posted by xQuEeNzNaZcHox
Hence all of what you posted, do you still think it is right that because one of your servers runs the Linux operating system, it is quite alright for them to not allow you to run Windows on another one of your servers, after you spent good money on the program and the multiple licensing (for use with more than 1 server)? What you are doing there is not even illegal, let alone voiding any legal agreement.
I didn't say it is right and I didn't say it is wrong, I'm just giving the picture from both sides:
* Nearly all software companies are doing this, some with good deeds and some with malicious deeds. The more powerful the product becomes, the more daring the company (thus the license agreement) becomes..
* Some of these agreements are against the law due to consumer protection laws so it is not always "take it or leave it" issue. In many countries consumer laws allows consumers to "take it as law decrees (not the license agreement)".
* It is a discussion with no result because the legal ground is blur in most countries and more importantly internet software issues are usually international and there is no international law concerning such issues. So law systems clash in such disputes.
* The amount of dispute is quite low (license fee) so no one cares to sue anyway.. Neither the software company, nor the consumer.