Originally Posted by hellsatan
If you are using vBulletin to distribute warez software, or child pornography, then you don't deserve to have a vBulletin Licence
It would also be hard for you to argue your point against Jelsoft's agreement, seeing as it is a Registered British Company, and subject to British trading laws - When you are selling an International product, you cannot create one Licencing agreement for one country, which contradicts one for numerous others - If you don't agree with their Licencing agreement, don't purchase vBulletin
Really? Nothing on the internet or in the real world states that I can't make my move to distribute warez OR child pornography via 'vBulletin' or any products contracted under Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd directly. Jelsoft
is trying to play internet police, and that doesn't fly in
any court system. What they're trying to do is to claim "rules" that aren't EVEN close to their jurisdiction. Same thing with the hacks (code modifications) off of this very website. No one can enforce me from distributing hacks freely over my website. They aren't even physically OR legally copywritten with any country's Patent/Copyright Office. I could distribute them, it would make me look bad, but I could distribute them LEGALLY.
Now, here we go into another ballpark which many of you are going to argue. But before you do, I'd like to address it. Yes, you can distribute the code which you modified for the website software vBulletin. How? Well, doesn't it say in the license you can't distribute any code of the vBulletin software or the package itself? Yes, it does. However. Remember, when you modified the code, how you weren't able to recieve the help/support/etc originally guaranteed by Jelsoft "because you made modifications"? How it wasn't any longer supported? Yeah. The code that you modified just became yours. It isn't Jelsoft's any longer. For Jelsoft to stand by that contract, they would have to make it so that you couldn't touch OR SEE any of the code. That's how that works. If it was always like Jelsoft had, then anything under PHP scripture would belong to Rasmus Lerdorf and his original partners/developers.