I don't know how this could be related but I have noticed that with the last 2-3 versions of 2.x.x , after I apply the Quick Reply hack, I have problems with the "Go to first unread post".
If I remember well the probs started after 2.3.0.
Clicking on the "got to first unread post" does not always get you to the earliest unread post, but it leads to 2-3 later "new" posts.
This has been confirmed by several members of my forums.
I tried to see what happens and removed the QR hack. Now the "go to first unread post" seems to work ok (as far as I have tested it).
Not sure if there is any "conflict" but I have also read references to this prob and its connection with the Quick Reply hack at the VBulletin.com board. Meaning that there are other members who have said that they had the prob after they applied the hack.
Anyone else with the same prob?