Originally Posted by noppid
In another thread Filburt pointed out that a user could not use vbulletin to display content that was not of Jelsofts liking or that Jelsoft deemed illegal.
I think this is way out of line and unenforecable. It's like saying GM can take your car back if you choose to rob banks with it. There is a such thing as the first amendment and talk of an illegal subject matter or investigation about that subject is not illegal last I checked. The DCMA is a dangerous and illegal piece of legislation that should be challenged regulaly to prove it's illegality. Jelsoft seems to be playing internet police on this one. Just because you put a clause in a contract does not make it enforceable. Lawyers try this regularly to challenge the laws, but good Judges protect our rights as citizens more often then allowing a dangerous precedent circumventing the First amendment. I doubt it's enforceable.
Any comments?
If you are using vBulletin to distribute warez software, or child pornography, then you don't deserve to have a vBulletin Licence
It would also be hard for you to argue your point against Jelsoft's agreement, seeing as it is a Registered British Company, and subject to British trading laws - When you are selling an International product, you cannot create one Licencing agreement for one country, which contradicts one for numerous others - If you don't agree with their Licencing agreement, don't purchase vBulletin