I have the top.5.threads on my index page but the problem is, when i click on any of the top 5 newest threads it takes me to the first message posted. I need it to take me to the latest thead (the last thread) posted on the topic, does anyone know how this can be done. The code for the last 10 threads is below. If posswible could someone alter it for me and then post it in a reply to this topic. Thanks. Mine is called the Top 10 Thread Replys as i have set it to show 10 threads instead of 5.
// Top 10 Thread Replys
// Top 1 Most Popular Thread
$pop1 = $DB_site->query('SELECT title,threadid,views FROM thread ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 1');
while ($pop1top = mysql_fetch_array($pop1)):
$pop1title .= "<a href=showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$pop1top[threadid]>$pop1top[title]</a>";
$pop1views .= "$pop1top[views]";
Thanks in advance