Originally Posted by smestas
Thanks for the reply. My main problem is that I just moved to a new host and they do not support the mod_mime/ForceType directive. I previously was running (old server) a archive hack called "easy archive" and it worked great. I currently have around 4,000 pages getting indexed and I need to get somthing back up there for the bots to chew on.
I guess im going back to the drawing board. Any suggestions?
I am not familiar with easy archive, but why not rename the file to whatever.html and use that? Instead of "whatever". Then search and replace the source code and append the extension. Would be the easiest work around in order to not use forcetype.
I would also add a rewrite rule, so everything from /whatever gets rewritten to /whatever.html. You won't lose search engine traffic this way.
Then again, I don't see why they would not enable it for you. Especially if they want your business. Just remind them that there are 3 million companies out there offering webhosting.