okay, figured that one out.. helps if the forum isn't moderated. :P
this one's the PIMA now... the template header has a miscoded URL that's not duplicated elsewhere in the script.... or something..
obvoiusly, as you can see, it's all up and running...
in the source code for the page, you find
.bgheader {
background-image: url('http://www.clubprotege.com/forum//forum/images/menu_background.gif');
text-align: left;
vertical-align: top;
I OBVIOUSLY botched a replacement somewhere...
i know i set forums home as
i know i set imagehome as /forum/images/
hence the problem.
but where do i got to fix both of these? i looked in replacements, but when i change /forum/images/ to just /images i lose the buttons.... i suppose it's a conflict between the two. any guesses?