Hai there,
I have a request for my forum
www.inventorusers.nl and is called a solved or not-solved thread feature.
Initially alle new Topics have to be not-solved so that when a users post a new thread you can see a column with an image or the text NS then when the thread is solved or there is a solvation for the problem the starter of the Thread, the (super)moderator or administrotar can see a button (just like a PM-button) to click. After clicking this button the status of the Thread becomes then Solved or S and this also visible in a column in the Thread-overview. This must then be reversible just in case the Thread solution does not work and the status has to be turned back to not-solved (NS).
Besides the above it should be great to have 2 queries for a search on solved Thread or non-solved Thread. This way people can see which Threads contain a solution and which not.
I can make this I think myself but will cost me months because I am not to experienced in PHP. Is there someone who can and would like to develop this with me?
Let me know...