Has any hack been released (or not) that would allow for posts within a mailing list to be archived within a vb forum?
This would not be a emil into forum or reply into forum type hack, but would be similar to Fireflys 'reply into forum via email' hack that used to run on this board but there would only ever be one user account so permissions management would be a bit easier.
The idea would be to subscribe one user name and use a named pipe to pass to xxx.php (like Firefly hack) and have a single forum to act as an archive with new subjects being listed as topics and any subsequent posts with same subject being added as reply (sort of threaded view).
I can work out most of the logic/process but coding it all would be beyond me in any reasonable amount of time (probably be on vB9 by then

) .
Most web based archives I have seen for email based list servers are chronic to use and this would be a nice solution.
It would also go some way to bridging the gap between list servers and web based forums as there would then be a usefull and logical crossover of functionality between the 2.
If anyone has done something similar please let me know.