You know, I was really thinking about this in the shower and I thought that this might be a start to solving the whole blog business.
Most people in the anime community really enjoy owning their own blog -- a journal style site that is customized entirely by them, but the majority of the time they don't want to bother with actually setting up the script that runs the blog's background -- that's where vBJournal comes in (excellent work on vBJournal Lite, btw.)
If an admin were to put two custom profile fields, hidden on profile view but editable by the user; one for 'Custom Journal Header' and one for 'Custom Journal Footer', and having journal.php call this custom header and custom footer that the user has defined, this would allow the journal system to work it's magic as a backbone for their site -but- not actually have your site keep their site's data and thus, saving on your bandwidth as a whole.
It's a tradeoff, but I think it'd work well if journal.php can skip around the default header/head inserts/style. It'd take a little work on FAQing for the user, but in general, I don't believe this would be too hard to implement.
Thanks for the great work guys.