Originally Posted by allan grossman
I guess I'd be looking at the graphical interface hack, bitg - I'm at the office and can't look at mine but I had no problem with the password staying in the CP. My first guess would be a small glitch in the way the CP hack was applied but I could be way off-base here 
I just completely uninstalled the graphical interface hack as well as the nntp hack. Then I installed just the nntp hack (no graphical interface). I then configured all the fields in the database.
When I go to
http://www.dungeonkeepersdomain.com/mb-test/gateway.php I get the following error:
1 group(s) gatewayed.
200 NewsRave v1.01 (posting ok)
381 More authentication needed
480 Authentication required for command
Logging in to news-west.newscene.com, group rec.games.frp.dnd
480 Authentication required for command
500 Huh?
Posting Message from DK:
500 Huh?
500 Huh?
500 Huh?
Posting Message from DK:
500 Huh?
Again, I know that the username, password, server and newsgroup are correct. There is no graphical interface installed. The username and password are showing up just fine in the database.
This happens when I place a message in the newsgroup forum and then run gateway.php. When I have no posts pending in the newsgroup forum, I get no errors, however, I get no incoming posts either. I deliberately did not run setlastmsg.php so that I would get plenty of message.
The wierd part is as follows. If I use a news server that is free and does not require a username and password (often posting rights are removed), I get tons of new messages but cannot post (for obvious reasons). The problem has to be that the username and/or password is not being sent.