Might be a good idea to read the man page for "diff" - it might make things a little clearer.
What? What? I just hotfooted it over to the main page and can't find anything. Not that I think it'll make any difference because it still doesn't make sense.
Have I mentioned how much I hate this new layout and these scrolly code boxes? <g> Thank god I got most of my hacks done, because I'm having a very hard time wrapping my head around this. I like the old ways better, least I could understand the instructions.
As the original code started on line 119, then I'm guessing that the first number mentioned is where the replacement code finishes? In this case, very handily at 125? <g> But...but...that still doesn't indicate where one would insert. And 126 and 132
do have code in the original - just different ones. Brackets in this case. Now the original code has been pushed down to 126 and 132 has still got a bracket!
I have a bewildered look on my face at the moment, because I'm just not
getting it. Even from your instructions there is no way I would have gotten that the code would have ended up in the middle without seeing it. I actually replaced completely the 'message [from]' section. Whoops.
The 258c265 is a straight replacement (that's what the 'c' means). Remember you added lines just now? The line number was 258 in the original file - it's now line 265.
Now this bit I get! <runs round in excited circles> Thank God! I was fearing early senility for a moment.
But I have a blank line on 258 - the code doesn't start till 260! After inputting the changes it's still the same. 265 is the end of another similar code. Actually it's the same! No mention of this in the instructions, but 264-265 is the same code 260-262 as above. So does that mean I have to do it twice? Ok. Ain't no way I'm getting this from the 'coded' instructions tho.
Hang about....... I'm going thru this again and I might be seeing the light.....I've just been getting cross at this
214,216c221,223 because I don't have the same code at 214. It is now at 221. A-ha! But...... it doesn't end at 223, that's an empty line! It ends at 221! <clutches head>
If this
608,613c615,617 is supposed to mean the original was on 608, nope it's 613 on mine and ends on 618. I just replaced that code with the new one and it now starts at 619 and ends at 624. Sigh.
Well hell, I appear to have made things worse!! I just ran the gateway and a load of code come up, it didn't even try to connect. Was basically the stuff in the gateway file.
I wonder if it was the duplicating of the 258 code for both the 'insert thread' and 'insert post'? Okay I've put the previous file which seemed to work back, and just changed it so I have put the code you showed above for the message reference. Only thing different is I now have the 'message[from]' code back.
Ah, it's working again!
I'm never gonna get this. If all the instructions will be done like this from now on then my days of adding hacks are at an end. Trying to figure out those instructions was a hundred times harder than putting the original hack in.
The Add Reply button does work Allan, it just 'top posts/replies' which is a big no-no in newsgroups. But of course it must do that and there is no way round it. People will just have to get used to using the Quote button in that forum. Unfortunately that doesn't always strip the VB code, so will mean people doing it manually. They won't of course.
And it's
still 'top replying' even using the Quote Button! Seems it does that when one replies to a post that originates from the board and not the newsgroup, and it ends up going to the wrong part of the thread in the NG. <whimpers> This is defeating me.
Thanks for showing me where the code goes Allan, ain't no way I'd have figured it out otherwise. I wouldn't have this gateway hack up at all if the instructions had been in this new 'code'.
I need to lie down!