Okay I bit the bullet and just went for it, even though the instructions were not at all clear to me. I fear I've got it wrong though. <sobs>
half works for me:
As it's so early in the morning I've not got a lot of incoming so it's hard to tell if it'll thread correctly in my forums. I had two posts with identical 'Re:' subjects that should have been on the same thread. Checked with my newsreader and they were on the right thread in the NG, so not 'strays'. I'll know if it's really worked later today I guess, but I can live with it as it's no worse than at the moment, just takes a bit of effort merging them all if there are a lot of posts.
More interesting was the threading in the newsgroup when I posted from the forum. Yay, it sent the posts to the correct part of the thread, but
only if one used the
Quote button to reply. If one uses
Add Reply then it 'top replies'.
Is it supposed to still do this? Have I misinterpreted the instructions and if I get it right it'll stop top posting if the Add Reply is used?
So it's sorta half working at the moment and I'm mightily pleased. Thanks
Can I get it fully working or am I gonna have to put notices up forbidding people to use the Add Reply button in that forum?
ETA: Actually, I guess it's kind of impossible to stop it top posting with the Add Reply, 'cause how would it know which post to reply to. Hmmm. So I guess it did work properly after all and I never buggered it up. Phew
Now if only I could think of a way to remove the add reply button from that forum.