When I try to make the checkbox be the img instead..i get javascript errors and nothing happens...any ideas?
EDIT: Nevermind..i came up with a lil solution myself..
and here it is..i think its for those of us who are frustrated by java..
<FORM NAME="p$post[postid]" style="display:inline;">
<div style="position:absolute; z-index:1; visibility: hidden">
<textarea name="message" rows="7" cols="1" wrap="virtual" tabindex="1">[/QUOTE]Originally posted by $post[username]
$quotetext [/QUOTE]
<A HREF="#iname$post[postid]" onclick="document.vbform.message.value = document.vbform.message.value + document.p$post[postid].elements[0].value"><img src="images/quotedown.gif" border="0" name="iname$post[postid]"></A>
there is my quickquote template... works pretty decently i think....tell me whatcha think...
Please note I added a '/' infront of the first quote to prevent it from doing the stupid quote box..