Now this guy is talking to me - I've been playing around with him.
FooD StamP ClaN: Hey
Billiam03k: hi
FooD StamP ClaN: I Saw You On
Billiam03k: right
FooD StamP ClaN: I Was Wondering If You Could Tell Me How To get My Board To Look Good
Billiam03k: pay a designer to design it for you
FooD StamP ClaN: Do You Have Any Hacks You Could Send Me?
Billiam03k: like what?
FooD StamP ClaN: I Dont Know
FooD StamP ClaN: Anything
FooD StamP ClaN: Im Just Trying To Get My Board Looking Good
Billiam03k: do you have a vbulletin licence?
FooD StamP ClaN: Anything You Could Send Me Is Greatly Appreciated
FooD StamP ClaN: Yes I Have The License But Im Having Problems Downloading The Hacks
FooD StamP ClaN: I Can Make Graphics If That Will Help
FooD StamP ClaN: I Could Make You Graphics In Exchange For The Hacks
Billiam03k: if you want I can download the hacks for you
FooD StamP ClaN: Really?
FooD StamP ClaN: Thank You So Much
Billiam03k: sure
Billiam03k: Give me your vBulletin username and password, and I'll download the hacks you need through your account
FooD StamP ClaN: I Cant get Into My Account
FooD StamP ClaN: My Friend Changed My PW And I Cant Retrieve It
FooD StamP ClaN: Thats Why Im Asking Of Assistance
Billiam03k: Ah, no problem - just follow the instructions on to retrieve your password
FooD StamP ClaN: I Tried Allready
FooD StamP ClaN: It Didnt Work
FooD StamP ClaN: If It's Trouble I Can Make You Graphics For The Trouble
Billiam03k: contact vBulletin, you can give them your details and they'll provide you with your valid username and password
Billiam03k: you'll find they're very helpful
FooD StamP ClaN: I Have Tried 3 Times Today
FooD StamP ClaN: And Twice Yesterday
FooD StamP ClaN: My Friend Screwed Me Over
Billiam03k: hmm, he doesn't sound like much of a friend
Billiam03k: how long have you know him?
FooD StamP ClaN: 3 Years
Billiam03k: wow
FooD StamP ClaN: I Just Need Hacks I Spent 220 Dollars On My Board
FooD StamP ClaN: And I Cant Even Get The Hacks
FooD StamP ClaN: I Want The Store Hack the Most
Billiam03k: it's amazing how some people can be so blatently stupid and try to screw you over like that
Billiam03k: $220?
FooD StamP ClaN: Yes 220
FooD StamP ClaN: For The Board And Services
Billiam03k: Yikes
Billiam03k: Do you know where your friend lives?
FooD StamP ClaN: Yes
FooD StamP ClaN: But Theres Not Much I Can Do
FooD StamP ClaN: I Just Want To Make My Board Look Nice
FooD StamP ClaN: But noone Wants To Help Me
Billiam03k: even if you made your board look nice, if your licence isn't registered to your board vBulletin will come after you
FooD StamP ClaN: It Is Registered
FooD StamP ClaN: I Just Dont know The PW or Anything Anymore
FooD StamP ClaN: My Friend Changed It
Billiam03k: they know where you live, how you take your coffee, what your favorite food is, etc.
Billiam03k: the chances are your friend changed the registered board too
FooD StamP ClaN: Well, Do You Know Of Anyone That Could Get Some hacks For Me..Im Not Asking Too Much I Dont Think...I Can Make Graphics For Them If Needed
Billiam03k: do you have an example of your graphics?
FooD StamP ClaN: Yes
Billiam03k: URL?
FooD StamP ClaN: Its Saved On My PC
FooD StamP ClaN: Could We Direct Connect?>
Billiam03k: no, I don't use iyt
Billiam03k: it^
FooD StamP ClaN: Oh.
FooD StamP ClaN: I Only Have Images On My PC
Billiam03k: Sorry, I have to come clean. I've been wasting your time for cheap laughs. Thanks a lot though, this has been refreshing.
FooD StamP ClaN: :\