I noticed a few minor problems that may have caused some issues for some users...
In the MWS-Upgrade.txt, it instructs at the end to upload...
The modified versions of:
... but member.php & showthread.php were left out. To the tired hack-installer who just wants to get finished installing and on with life, and thus follows the exact instructions he reads, it may slip his mind that not all the needed files are listed.
I believe the absence of member.php is what caused drumsy's
insane server load problem (the same happened to me, and the problem was gone the moment I uploaded member.php).... before I uploaded it, my load on my finely tuned dedicated server (with dual scsi drives, 1gb ram, dual-xeon 2ghz processors)... was instantly over 25 points.
The absence of showthread.php makes the warnings/options not show up in posts, potentially causing a wild goose chase to figure out what's gone wrong hehe
Anyhow on another note.... would it be possible to have the
Warning Level: 0 be automatically masked out on the posts of moderators/admins? It's not an especially big deal, though it would be an improvement, as having it shown implies to members that the forum staff can be warned, which could potentially degrade their awe/respect for them a bit (well, hypothetically).