I've never heard of this until today, by randomly finding it off Google.
Apparently it's a game-console that doesn't require cd's/cartridges.
You download games. I think.
It's always connected to the internet, and I believe requires broadband to use.
But, the specs of it look very good. 3 GHZ, good nVidia Card, etc.
Watch the video of it:
The only thing they leave empty is the games. They say it has lots of games, but they don't mention one anywhere on their site. It seems if the console is to have non-original games, then they would be ports from the PC. But, a console isn't much without good original games.
I don't like the design of the product though, but maybe it's in concept. I like Nintendo's idea of smaller and lighter game consoles. This thing looks like it could weigh more than the Xbox.
It could very well be more powerful than the PS2 and Xbox, as they say in some articles (listed below), but then again its been 2/3 years since those consoles came out. By the time PS3 is out, this Phantom will probably be crushed. Maybe.
More news on it: