Okay, I've made advances. It is NOT "fsockopen" that is hanging, but "fread"!!! This code works fine:
PHP Code:
$host = 'udp://';
$port = 28950;
$fp = fsockopen($host, $port, &$err_no, &$err_msg, 10)
or die ("Could not open a socket connection to host <i>$host</i> on port <i>$port</i>.
The error message returned was '<i>$err_msg</i>'.");
echo "A socket connection to host <i>$host</i> on port <i>$port</i> was successfully opened.";
I can run that all day long. However, as soon as I add the "fread" command I'm completely buggered.
Well, it's not much good being able to open a port unless you can read something from it. Even if I could just grab the first few bytes I'd break open a bottle of champagne, I swear to God...
Any ideas?