Originally Posted by TheDPQ
I do not have much experience with VB templates right now, so my main method of finding what i need is looking at the HTML and doing a search.
I wanted to add something in the middle colum. I saw that it started with '<td class="txttop">'
I see that this shows up in the HOME template! Add my code right after <td class="txttop"> and wa-la . I have something above the articles now.
Granted you only always be lucky and find something that only has one template match and only shows up once in a template. heh. But you slowly learn the templates a little better this way.
Thanks, Ill give that a try, I guess vbHome is a trial and error until you like the way it looks...Ill just mess around with it until I get it right,BUT i have another problem, How do I get it to match my tren_z skin of the whole site, right now its set to the original, then when I change the option in the admin cp to match, it matches only some of the site, still the upper protion is original and the mid-bottom is like my whole site...