Loom through the thread? It is 103 pages long, but I'll do my best. I am pretty busy lately. Thanks for the answer.
Edit: Oh and I forgot to mention, I do believe it is a violation of your code to remove the copywrite text from the footer of your hack. Well I have come across a lot of sites that have, and I'm sure there is plenty out there. I think that is a discrace and you busted your balls to make this hack. If you need to find some, just type in vBindex in a google search and check out all the sites and look at there footer. One I happened to note was this one:
Copywrite text is clearly removed from the footer of that page, and yes it is powered by vbindex. Just thought you should know because I greatly respect your work.
Edit2: Also now that I look, I don't think you exactly understand what I'm saying here. I do not want another page for vbindex, I want a SEPERATE vbindex. The seperate one pointing to a different news forum and different settings and different templates, not just a page you click from a link and it opens up a new page in vbindex that you customize. I mean an ENTIRELY different vbindex, please read my post again to see what I'm saying, and if you DO understand what I'm saying I'm sorry for doubting you, just making sure.