shiekron, that means your config file is messed up, and the password to your database does not match.
also, i installed this hack just yesterday without reading this thread whatsoever, and i edited it greatly, creating my own 'banned by' and even (although i didnt know this was requested) a 'banned when'. i also ordered it alphabetically.
i also incorporated 2 drop down menus for the 'reason' and 'time' fields because my mods were not filling out the fields, so now they only have to select what they want it to be when they ban someone.
so, if youd like to see what im talking about,
and like i said i made all the edits myself, i didnt even use the mod posted above for who banned, i havent even seen the inside of the attachment. if youd like to know what to do im me on something. note: since this hack is new on my board and weve had previous banned members, it still shows them up. i however defaulted them to have a 0 timestamp, and Unknown reasons and banners. for an actual person banned under the new edits, look at the user 'Inuyasha'