can we choose any usergroup to ban em to ?
say i never wanted em to go to total ban but had certain bits of board restricted is this possible
Yes, set Banned Usergroupid in the options to the user group you want banned members to be moved to. If you so please, you could even move them to administrative positions, but somehow I don't think you'd like that.
Where abouts in the template.
Sorry. Go to the warn_postbitaddin template. Add <smallfont> on the front of it, and </smallfont> on the end. If that's not what you're looking for, remove those, and add <normalfont> to the front and </normalfont> to the end. If that still isn't what you're looking for, add this to the front of warn_postbitaddin:
<span style="font-size: 10pt">
And add this to the end: