Yesterday at 09:32 PM roxics said this in Post #168
Everything looks fine and seems to be working fine. Just that is that working.
Just to clearify the problems seems to be with editors.php. Though nothing was changed with that file. Every other part of your system is working great and I'm very happy with it.
Does the editors.php file need a certain CHMOD value?
Have you checked templates as I suggested?
There are very few sections that uses the templates you created in the installations so if there is a problem with your template installation, the hack will still work fine but you'll get blank pages in a few sections one of which is webtemplate editing.
So make sure:
1- Installation templates are created correctly
2- Their names are correct (it is CASE-SENSITIVE) and there is no trailing space etc. at the end.
3- If you have more than 1 template sets, templates are created in ALL sets.