Today at 01:31 AM Bitsys said this in Post #2216
Oops, I forgot to tell you to edit the new battle template 
Replace all "$key" with "$key1" in battle.php.
Then, in template battle_newbattle, find "key" and replace it with "key1".
Let me know if that works.
It worked! :laugh: Thanks!
But now i got another problem..
I get this each time someone attacks:
Debug Variables:
Anger ($anger): 1
Hit Chance ($hitchance): 0.9
Random Number ($randnum): 18
Regular Attack Bonus ($regattbonus): 568.112838537
Regular Defense Minus ($regdefminus): 388.721620688
Damage Done ($damagedone): 304 == [floor((450 + 568.112838537) * 1 * 1 + 0 - 350 - 388.721620688)]
Dodge Chance ($dodgechance): 32
New HP ($newhp): 1823
It happens with all weapons, though not the when using the shields.. Where do i edit so it dissapears?
The shields don't work on my character, but it works for another admin.