07-02-03 at 05:12 AM IceMalee said this in Post #121
i was/am having this problem, i did like u said and it halfway fixed it, now it doesnt put mine in, but just makes the users custom info blank completely
any help?
I first installed this hack without looking at all the replies afterwards, so I ended up having to plug all the holes with my own fixes.. =( seems like this is the only one that hasn't been plugged by you guys yet.
Here's my fix to this problem, I don't know if it's the most efficient, but it works:
Find in user.php, under the "edit" subroutine:
PHP Code:
// new options
maketableheader("Custom Profile Fields");
$profilefields=$DB_site->query("SELECT *
FROM profilefield
WHERE editable = 1
ORDER BY displayorder");
while ($profilefield=$DB_site->fetch_array($profilefields)) {
and just stick this lil bit under the // new options so it looks like:
PHP Code:
// new options
$userfields=$DB_site->query("SELECT * from userfield where userid=$userid");
maketableheader("Custom Profile Fields");
$profilefields=$DB_site->query("SELECT *
FROM profilefield
WHERE editable = 1
ORDER BY displayorder");
while ($profilefield=$DB_site->fetch_array($profilefields)) {