Today at 09:46 AM lasto said this in Post #8
Check out what I found on the
MSPCA website:
It is unlawful for an owner or custodian of an animal:
To fail to provide an animal with:
* Proper food and water
* Shelter or protection from the weather
* Veterinary attention to reduce or end suffering from disease or injury
* A sanitary environment
To willfully abandon an animal
To carry or cause an animal to be carried in or on a vehicle in a manner that endangers the animal including transport of an improperly secured animal
To willfully permit an animal to be subjected to unnecessary torture, suffering, or cruelty
To Subject, Cause or Procure an animal:
* To be tortured or tormented
* To be cruelly killed, beaten or mutilated
To fail to notify the owner or police after striking a dog or cat with a motor vehicle.
To use animals as lure or bail in a cruel or inhuman manner
To transport an animal in the back of a motor vehicle unless animal is properly restrained.
Check your facts. Then, if I were you, I'd RECHECK them.