Sue - Really sorry to hear about the poor cat. It makes me so mad / sad when I see or hear about this sort of thing. One of the few things that pushes my button is to see someone harming an animal. Whilst I know you don't treat violence with violence, it makes me so mad, that if I saw it, I think I'd just flip.
I really hope that cat is okay and the neighbours will help the little guy out. I've taken in so many strays over the years and have never regretted it once. I personally think its really bad when people put a price tag on an animal, i.e. when it becomes not 'worth-while' to saves it life. It sux - but this is the world we live in and its becomming more capitalistic as the years go by.
How about setting up a paypal account so people can make a donation, however small? You might be able to raise enough or at least help them. I'd be happy to contribute.
Snowbot - Cats are vermin? How about realising that humans are vermin. We spread more disease than anybody else and cause more destruction that any other living being.
And just because a dog does more than a cat, why does that make any difference at all. Of course if all you are basing this on what something can do for you then your entitled to your opinion. What about people that do nothing for you directly and just go around killing, stealing and generally making the world a bad place to live? Shall we get rid of them? I can tell you now, given the option, I'd get rid of them rather than any animal.
It's a cruel world
