Tonight while sitting here on this computer I heard very loud yowling outside, and I thought perhaps it was a couple cats fighting. I looked out the window and I see a car stopped in the road. I look in front of the car, and there's my neighbor's kitten in the street, yowling in pain. It got hit by a car.
The poor thing's leg was just flailing around as if it were an unused limb that wasn't supposed to be there. It was so terrible.
What's even worse is the #@#@^#%$*%$*^% drove off and left it there. Bastard.
My fiance went out after I gave him a blanket and gently, carefully picked up the kitten. There was no way in hell we were going to leave it there.
We drove as fast as we could to the animal hospital, got there in 5 minutes. They took the kitten in while we waited in a room.
The doctor came back and told us that its right pelvis was shattered completely.
We covered the initial treatment costs, and were given a low estimate and a high estimate, and put down 75% of the low cost estimate for xrays, fluids, iv, etc.
I am crying right now thinking about the poor thing.
We tried the neighbor's tonight but no one was home, or wasn't answering their door.
We're going to try again tomorrow.
I hope to the gods and goddesses that they will help the poor dear and not want to put him down.
The vet told us that if they go the surgical route, it can cost anywhere from 2-3 thousand dollars. I tell you, if I had the money to spend like that, it would be no questions asked; just do it. I wouldn't care if the neighbors paid us back or not. It would just be our cat after that anyway
But the other option she said was that since this is a kitten, 4-6 months old, they heal quickly. Can anyone confirm this for sure? I dunno about a shattered pelvis.

So anyway, the other option she gave us is to keep it in a dog cage for 6 -8 weeks with food, water, bed, etc. We have a large cage from a dog we once had a few years ago.
I truly hope the neighbors will want to help it. If they don't at all, I want to try the 6-8 week thing. I want it to have a chance to live is all. If this is what we end up doing, and at the end of 6-8 weeks it hasn't improved, I'll do what's necessary, although I'll be heartbroken for this little guy.
It just sucks, I can't believe how cruel people can be. I wish I had gotten the license plate number of the bastard's car. I was on the 2nd floor (our apartment) and couldn't see it.
The kitten is beautiful. Dark chocolate coat with amber eyes.